tfl api...

Anyone out there know if tfl (Transport for London) have an API for accessing the current Journey Planner and real time travel updates?

I have a cunning plan (so cunning you could do something that blackadder once said with it) that would require access to the TFL journey planner, preferably by an API to make it simple. But google gives me no joy, so I'm guessing it's not out there. TFL are owned (I think? Might be wrong here!) by the Mayor's office, or at least (partially) funded by the Mayor's office, so that data should be free for all to access, no?


  1. I have tried to find an official RSS or similar feed for Tube status, but it seems it does not exist. All the existing methods rely on screen scraping.

  2. I suppose you might already have seen it, but the official site for asking government to open up public information has a request along these lines.

    I'm sceptical as to how many suggestions will be taken on...

  3. I wrote an API over at which will help you out with the current status of the tube if that is of any use? TFL have also opened up an API at but there isn't much data of use there...


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