night night macbook

in the last two days, I've had two occasions where my macbook won't wake up from sleep. both times, just have a black screen with a cursor, and no amount of hitting buttons/moving the mouse/shutting and reopening the lid seem to help. naughty macbook!

so it's a hard shutdown and restart, which I really hate doing on any laptop. Both times the macbook was plugged into AC power.

If anyone has any ideas (I've googled around, but nobody really knows why safe sleep is causing this), please drop me a line!


  1. Hi, hope this helps: Go to System Preferences > Energy Saver. Here it gives you an option for how much time for the display to sleep and the entire system to sleep. Just set both to never. Let me know if this helps or not.. there are other things to try. MacEmergency| Apple Mac Repairs and Support | London

  2. I should have asked if you are running OS 10.4.x and if you have 2GB RAM?

  3. @info - thanks for the comments. I like the sleep options as my macbook is on amost 24/7. Just annoying when it won't wake up on the odd instance.

    OSX 10.5.2 w 2GB RAM (crucial)


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