Bloglines - Wikipedia and the End of Archeology
Funny - Kerry and I were talking along these lines the other night. We were watching something where there were archeologists digging up rubbish in London somewhere, and I said in the future there wouldn't be much archeologilogical (sp?) stuff left, as modern people tend to recycle or throw stuff in a landfill, rather than just dump in in your back yard. Moved onto how the 'modern' era is more well 'documented', so archeology will be less field work, and more interpretation of the images/books/websites etc of our age. Then this turns up on slashdot today. Spooky!
Wikipedia and the End of ArcheologyBy Zonk on it's-a-wiki-past
Andy Updegrove writes "Far too much attention has been paid to whether or not the Wikipedia is accurate enough. The greater significance of the Wikipedia today, and even more for those in the future, is its reality as the most detailed, comprehensive, concise, culturally-sensitive record of how humanity understands itself at any precise moment in time. Moreover, with its multiple language versions, it also demonstrates how different cultures understand the same facts, historical events and trends at the same time. Today, archaeologists are doing digs to understand how people lived only 150 years ago, making guesses based on the random bits and pieces of peoples' lives that they find In the future, that won't be necessary, as archaeologists are replaced by anthropologists that mine this treasure trove for data."
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